
We exist to invite people to encounter Jesus Christ.

There are many people who need to discover what the woman at the well discovered: that Jesus sees into the dark corners of our hearts and still offers us grace. Jesus offers us true grace; grace which doesn’t ignore our past or pretend like it isn’t there, but grace that reaches into those places and brings healing and life. Jesus also speaks the truth to us; truth that reveals the emptiness of what we have been living for, and truth that invites us into the joy of knowing and worshipping God. As we experience this healing, life, and joy, we can’t help but invite others to meet Jesus too. This is our mission at Trinity Presbyterian Church.

We will accomplish this mission through rhythms which root us in the love of God.

Know God’s Love

As recipients of God’s love, He calls us to love Him with all of who we are, love our neighbor as ourselves, and to love Him by keeping His Word. We believe that growth in His love happens not in isolation, but in relationship with each other, for here we can remind each other of God’s love for us in Jesus and learn how to love each other in new ways. This happens as we spend time in regular fellowship, in God’s Word and prayer, and in loving and serving each other practically. Through life with each other, we trust that God’s Spirit will work to help families, couples, and individuals within God’s family to grow in knowing His faithfulness and love and in living as people who have received His love. In this, we will give the world a glimpse of the dance of mutual love and delight that takes place within the Trinity.

Grow in God’s Love

As we grow in God’s love, we are meant to extend that love to the world. Jesus tells his disciples that they are a city on a hill. They aren’t to hide what they’ve found in Christ, but share it with the world. Paul says that God’s love in Jesus Christ motivates Him in all that he does. So, as people who are growing in the freedom, rest, and joy that come with the Father’s love, we seek to extend God’s love through pursuing and doing things that He loves: extending hospitality to the lost, the weak, the needy, the seekers, and the skeptics; showing mercy to our neighbors; creatively and boldly pursuing His kingdom in our daily work; and supporting church planting. We do all this so other people might experience the love of God, and by God’s grace, might come to Jesus and know the love of God themselves.

Extend God’s

The eternal, Triune God reveals Himself, our origin, and our need for Him in His Word. He made us to know Him and His love. To encounter Jesus is to encounter His love. Jesus came to seek and save His people who are lost in rebellion and sin, and He shows His love by dying that we might live. God’s love is foundational to the gospel story that God has worked out and continues to work out in His world. The primary way we know this love is through weekly worship that shows and tells the story of the gospel; worship where He calls us into His presence, hears our prayers, assures us of His forgiveness, speaks His Gospel to us through His Word, feeds us at His Table, and sends us out to serve Him. Each week as we encounter Him, He works by his grace to root and ground us in His Word and His love more and more.

Through these rhythms, our hope and vision is to plant a worshipping community that grows in knowing, loving, and enjoying the Triune God and extends His love in the Tri-Cities, the Pacific Northwest, and around the world. We yearn to be a place where people encounter Jesus and the love of God through God’s Word and gospel being proclaimed, embraced, and embodied.

We would love to have you join us in this mission.